Realist Vs Romantic

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Romantic into Realist The Romantic era began in the latter half of the 18th century. Like most prior movements, it had a large influence on art, both written and visual, as well as intellect. It began as a response to the age of enlightenment, removing power and influence from high society, and aristocratic driven art forms. It was a stark contrast to the industrial revolution and many scientific discoveries about nature and man’s origins. It is not surprising that the beginning of this era coincided with a number of large wars, most importantly the American Revolution (1776) and the French Revolution (1789). The changes in politics, social economic structures, and traditions these conflicts brought, served as a catalyst for the changes in thinking that came with Romanticism. Works of art now appealed to the “common” man, and were full of characterizations of patriotism, love of nature, and adventures that were both supernatural and exotic. The earlier bonds of science, industry, and reason gave way to intuition, nature, and the creative power of imagination. The Realism movement began in the second half of the 19th century, following the Civil War in America, and brought many changes in everyday life. The country needed to rebuild, and could now focus on expanding economically, and socially. Slavery had been abolished and there was now a change from rural agriculture to urban industry. There were also many new advances in mechanical technology and material science. People began to favor truth, accuracy, and objective reality over beliefs in emotion, nature, and imagination. These changes in thought and behavior influenced people’s taste in various art forms. Visual art depicted life as it was perceived, particularly as it pertained to labor and work. Literature that referenced everyday life and its activities without “ideals” and “drama”, became
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