Ratification of the Constitution

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Ratifying the Constitution. Originally the Constitution was only ratified by eleven of the thirteen states. At first it was only to be ratified by nine of the thirteen, but some states realized that the Constitution would benefit them, and decided to go vote as well. The Constitution was created to fulfill the interests of the United States. Some political issues that arose from the ratification of the Constitution were that it gave the central government way too much power. It also lacked civil rights for the citizens and it didn’t have enough states behind it to elect the first president, therefore George Washington was appointed as the first President of the United States. When the ratification of the Constitution went through two major political parties were formed, the Federalists (Alexander Hamilton, believed in a strong central government and less power for the states) and the Anti-Federalists (Thomas Jefferson, believers in a weak central government and more individual powers to the states). These two political parties had different interpretations on who would have the final authority within the nation. Federalist were strong supporters of a powerful central government and limiting the powers of states individually, while the Anti-Federalists thought that a weak central government and more power to each state would benefit the nation better. The biggest reason why the Anti-Federalists opposed the Constitution was because they believed that the central government system created was going to be too strong. The Constitution was ratified by the states because they believed that it would benefit them. The federalists supported the Constitution because they believed that the strong central government would be what is best for the nation as a whole, while the Anti-Federalists believed that the strong central government would not work and that we would need a
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