Raisin in the Sun Identity Essay

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Walter Younger is arguably one of the most controversial characters in the play A Raisin In the Sun. It is because Walter is found in so many controversial scenes, and is often found saying and doing controversial things which makes it hard to get a grasp on his true identity. However, there is evidence given throughout the book, which shows Walter’s true identity, despite often finding him saying and doing controversial things. Part of Walter’s identity as shown in the play is that Walter is caring. The book makes it easy to interpret Walter as quite the opposite of caring, however, the book also gives sufficient evidence to Walter being caring below the surface. Such evidence can be found in Walter mentioning that he wants to find success through gaining money in life so that his son Travis doesn’t have to sleep on the couch anymore. I do believe that this is caring of Walter, because at the end of the day the Younger’s still have a roof over their head and food to eat. In Walter’s eyes however, he wants the best he believes he can get for his son, and those that he loves. Although this example does show that Walter is caring, it also shows that Walter is hopeful. Walter never gives up on what he believes are dreams that he can achieve, despite the reasons that he might have to be discouraged. Additionally, Walter is someone who is confident. Walter’s confidence is what led him to believing that he has the ability to provide a better life for his family, and for himself. Just like anyone else, Walter has obvious negative flaws at his core also. The good qualities and the bad qualities that make up his identity are shown influencing his actions throughout the play. Walter is selfish, despite the fact that he can be caring also. Throughout the play he says and does things that show that he is caring, such as wanting a better life for his wife and son. On the
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