Radquo's Plurality Of Religion

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CHAPTER 17 Who was a German philosopher that used reason and rationalization to find answers to the unknown by using the scientific methods to understand all of life, thus connecting the 17th and 18th centuries. “Dare to know” was his motto? Who wrote Plurality of the Worlds- downplaying religion. He started Skepticism of religion & contribution to scientific progress. As the great scientist pursued their work exalting God, more were questioning the religious truths and values? Who had rules of reasoning to discover nature’s law? Who said every person was born with a blank mind or “tabula Rasa,” and believed we gain knowledge from reason, not faith? Who recognized the center of leaders of the enlightenment,…show more content…
Who believed Christianity was fanatical & unreasonable, wrote the Encyclopedia and promoted religious toleration, but not superstition? Who discovered natural economic laws? “The state should not interrupt the free play of natural economic forces.” No regulation of govt, just “leave it alone” or “laissez-Faire”-let the people do as they choose. He wrote the book-“The Wealth of Nations.” Who believed women needed to be better educated (not stuck in the kitchen), equality of sexes? Who was for women’s rights coined the term “feminism”? What were places to debate and discuss ideas of the enlightenment? Music Classical, operas, oratoric, sonata concerto symphony Who were the first were the first to develop classical music? (Followed by the Germans, Austrians,& English. What musicians wrote symphonies and church music? Who wrote their first opera @ age 12 and wrote “The Marriage of Figero” What Christian denominations were conservative? Which were state controlled…show more content…
Who did they expand their privileges at the expense of? The third estate was commoners made of WHO? There was discontent among them because the increase in WHAT was more than their wages? On 14 July, a group from the 3rd estate attacked in THIS, which was the beginning of the French Revolution? What was the place of attack used for? The King gave up and formed a national guard under WHO…the event saved the National Assembly of the 3rd Estate What was the assembly meant to destroy? On 4 Aug 1789, WHO voted to abolish fiscal priviliges of the nobles, clergy of the towns and provinces On 26 Aug, France adopts WHAT that was gleaned from ours??? A group of radicals in French politics were called WHAT? Who was executed on 28 Jul 1794? Who was the little General from Corsica that took over leadership of France in 1799 and was Italian (but studied French)? What country does he easily defeat? He later becomes a dictator and makes peace with the Catholic Church by signing WHAT with the pope in which the church gained very little? Who was the Pope? He suffers a series of defeats and finally loses at the Battle of
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