Radio Days Essay

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Through sounds and lyrics, Radio Days is considered a great movies showing how people interacted with the invisible voice. The movie really shows of what life was like during the '40s when the TV age did not become a part of every American household. Nowadays TV has become so popular, and people are using them as an escape from reality. I think it is a brilliant piece of technology that is worth mentioning. Besides TV, we have internet and so many other advanced technologies, but radio has always been a way for us to set our mind away from reality and led us into a world of imagination. As we look around, we can see the way the theater and 3D television are meant to really take away our mind set. They take away our ability to be creative and original. In my opinion television cannot trigger such glowing memories. I think TV numbs our imagination whereas the invisibility of the radio voice enhances it. Radio Days really show how people from different point of perspective were engaged into their own little world by listening to the radio. This really shows how technology could influence person whether he/she is young or old. There was time in America as in many other countries; it was referred to as the "Golden Age of Radio" before television became popular. The film was a perfect example of showing the lives of the narrator and his family was influenced by a number of radio shows of the day; the narrator was particularly inspired by an adventure serial about a superhero known as the “Masked Avenger”. There are also story about the radio stars of the day. An example for this is when a well-known radio presenter was known for his womanizing, the presenter got locked on the roof of a nightclub with Sally White, and cigarette girl with ambitions became a radio star herself. She eventually succeeded, despite an obvious lack of talent. The film showed how our mind
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