Mcluhan Chapter 12 Summary

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James Monroe Chapter 12 Summary Chapter twelve was written all about one man. His name is Marshall McLuhan. Some interesting facts about Marshall are that unlike all the other researchers in media, he did not collect any data, conduct any content analyses, surveys, or do any experiments. He simply just expresses his own thoughts and basically just assumed that they were right. In the beginning of the chapter the author wrote that many people asked why he would write a chapter on this man, and from reading the first page I could not understand why he would. Interestingly enough McLuhan was a brilliant man, throughout his life he earned two bachelor degrees, two masters degrees, and also earned a doctorate. McLuhan was believed to have coined the term “the media”. He later…show more content…
Obviously there are so many more electronics things in the world right now like the laptop I am typing this summary on, and the cell phone that I just used, and the ipod that I listened to earlier yesterday. McLuhan’s most famous saying was “the medium is the message” and he used that phrase to summarize his view of human history. He liked that slogan because it could mean a number of different things to a number of different a number of different times. McLuhan did not like electronics in education. He believed that it hindered students abilities to perform well in the classroom, he argued that traditional education systems thrive on print technology. McLuhan also looked at media as hot and cool media. Cool media was those that allowed high levels of participation and involvement. Hot media were those that higher information and consequently did not involve the recipient of the message as intensely. Some examples of cool media would be television and the fact that people could watch the Vietnam War on the television, or the bombings of Iraq, or the twin towers getting blown up by planes and the tumbling to ground. Some examples of hot media are simply

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