Race for the Double Helix Movie Essay

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Race for the Double Helix The film “Race for the Double Helix” centers around four scientist intrigued by the mystery of humans; the DNA molecule. These scientists are somewhat on two separate teams and are rivals trying to discover the structure of DNA first. The film’s beginning is set in 1951 where an American biologist James Watson or simply know as Watson, attends a conference centered on the topic of DNA structure. There, a scientist by the name of Maurice Wilkins presents an image of a sample of DNA, something that sparks Watson’s interest. Determined to find out more about DNA and its structure, Watson travels to England. It is here that the technology for his mission is actually state of the art. Watson tries various attempts to join Maurice Wilkins in his research on DNA, but fails. Shortly after this, Watson decides to not work with Wilkins, but decides to work at Cambridge University. It is here where Watson meets another biologist by the name of Francis Crick. Interested in the same topic; both scientist team up at Cavendish lab in Britain where Crick was working, and they started working together. On the other side of this race are two scientists by the names of Rosalind Franklin and Maurice Wilkins. Under the authority and supervision of Franklin, major steps to apply the technique of X-ray diffraction to DNA research are conducted at King’s College in London. The two often find difficulty in working together and their chemistry isn’t as strong as Watson and Crick’s despite getting more done. Rosalind is a hard-working woman who takes the discovery of the mystery of DNA very serious and often yells at many scientists at different points in the film, showing them the wrongdoings of their work and later helping them correct their mistakes. Wilkins often is quiet and keeps to himself. Nevertheless, the teams are at war with one another while
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