Race Class And Gender Essay

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Soc 212: Race, Class and Gender Christopher J. Doucot, (860) 724-7066 doucot@sbcglobal.net I do not have an office but can meet by appointment. Mondays and Wednesdays, 9:25-10:40 Maria Sanford Hall room 321 Course Description: This course will trace the development of race, class and gender as social constructs in the United States. During the semester we will consider the roles of race, class and gender in the history and construction of American society. That is, we will explore how race, class and gender are used to create and/or perpetuate wealth, political power, and social status in obvious and subtle ways Course Requirements: 1) Read. If you do not intend to do the readings for this class please consider taking a different class. 2) Construction of your…show more content…
Write a critique of any of the dvds viewed on reserve 4. Write a book review of any of the books read in class or: A. The Fire Next Time by James Baldwin B. Slavery By Another Name by Douglas Blackmon C. Medical Apartheid by Harriet Washington D. Nickeled and Dimed by Barbara Ehreneich 5. Write about the ongoing debate between Bill Cosby (“It is their own fault that poor Blacks are poor.”) and Michael Eric Dyson (“Is Bill Cosby right or has the Black middle-class lost its mind?) 6. Consider America's response (or lack thereof) to the lingering effects of slavery. What if freed slaves really got 40 acres and a mule? What is/was affirmative action? Did it work? Is it “reverse racism?” Would reparations help reconcile White and Black Americans? 7. Critique the “color blind” position on race relations. 8. Does increasing the minimum wage help the poor or hurt the economy? 9. Analyze the wealth divide in America: where did it come from? Why has it grown? What are its implications? What can be done about it? Should the government do something about it? 10. Any race, class or gender related topic of your
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