The Divisive Politics Of Slavery

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Brittany Latigue Mrs. Kerr US History (5) September 4, 2012 4.1: The Divisive Politics of Slavery I. Differences Between North and South 1. Senators in south- slavery expansion, Northerners- abolition 2. North/ South different cultural and economic regions 3. South relied on enslaved labor force in plantation economy 4. New territories = more tension; slave states v. non-slave states II. Slavery in Territories 1. Slavery issue in California/ west- heated debates in Congress halls A. Statehood for California 1. Applied in December 1850 for statehood- non-slave state 2. Southerners thought California would be…show more content…
He called out Senator Andrew Butler of SC for proslavery beliefs 3. Butler’s nephew hit Sumner with cane, and damaged his brain 4. Political parties results of division of 2 regions IV. New Political Parties Emerge 1. Whig party vanished, Democratic survived, Republican Party formed A. Slavery Divides Whigs 1. Whig vote in south fell 2. Kansas- Nebraska Act final straw 3. They split over issue of slavery in territories 4. “Know-Nothing Party” formed, they answer questions by saying “I know nothing” 5. they supported native-born people over immigrants, they split like Whigs 6. antislavery parties: Liberty Party- passed abolition laws, Free-Soil Party- opposed expansion of slavery 7. slogan: “Free soil, Free speech, free labor, and free men” B. The Free- Soilers’ Voice 1. Didn’t have to free-soiler without being abolitionist 2. Northern free-soilers supported racist laws 3. Free-soilers focused on slavery’s competition w/ free white worker, wage based labor force 4. Feared it would drag down wages, slaves getting all

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