Quotes From George Orwell's '1984'

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|Quotes |Comments/Thoughts | |“It was safer; though, as he well knew, even a back can be |What is revealing about a back? WIth the front of someone, emotion | |revealing.” Pt. 1Ch. 1 pg. 3 |can be revealed through his or her facial expression, their focus on| | |whatever it may be is revealed through the person’s eyes, and body | | |language is easier to read. With all of these obvious facts, there | |…show more content…
| |“Your worst enemy, he reflected, was your own nervous system.” Pt. 1|I think in this instance, he is talking about involuntary out-bursts| |Ch 5. pg. 63 |of anger or something along the lines of this. Especially in | | |Winston’s case, he has a lot of thoughts bottled up, some disturbing| | |one’s indeed, and he conceals them in his diary. However, people who| | |tend to bottle these harsh and strong feelings inside for long | | |periods of time tend to explode, sometimes unintentionally. So by | | |saying that your nervous system is one’s own enemy, I believe he is…show more content…
1 Ch 7. pg 82 |see many of these people living by this “ownlife” standard since | | |everything they do, everywhere they go is monitored. With the | | |telescreens especially, the sense of individualism is shattered. | | |They are not living their “own life”, they are living a life that is| | |set by a higher power. | |“In front of him was an enemy who was trying to kill him; in front |With all the inhumanity that has taken place in this setting in the | |of him also, was a human creature.” Pt. 2 Ch 1 pg. 106 |novel, this is one exception. Winston see’s the person he believes | | |is trying to kill him and others in pain, and has a sense of
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