Quiz 7 Essay

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Quiz # 7 – 12/08/2011 Astronomy 100/190Y – Exploring the Universe — Fall 11 Instructor: Daniela Calzetti ____________________________________________________________________ INSTRUCTIONS: Please, write your first and last name and Student ID on the Scantron sheet. Choose the letter of the response (by firmly marking the bubble on the Scantron with a PENCIL) that you think best answers the question. Do not rush your answer. Use of textbook and class notes is allowed. **** Please, look on both sides of the sheet, there are a total of 10 questions. ***** ____________________________________________________________________ 1. A `standard candle’ is: A. a well calibrated unit of luminosity B. a source of known intrinsic luminosity C. a source of known flux D. a candle with very well known luminosity E. a candle used to take spectra 2. One evidence for the existence of Dark Matter is A. the presence of dark areas in the sky B. the fact that rotation curves of galaxies remain flat at large distances from the center C. the fact that we do not observe gravitational lensing D. the fact that we cannot detect extrasolar planets E. the existence of dark matter has never been proved 3. Younger stars have more heavy elements because A. old stars destroy heavy elements as they age B. young stars burn their nuclear fuel faster C. they form out of gas enriched of heavy elements by previous generations of stars D. heavy elements have not had the time to settle in the cores of younger stars E. all of the above 4. Based on the rotation curves of galaxies, most of the mass in galaxies is believed to be in the form of A. neutral hydrogen B. ionized hydrogen C. black holes D. luminous stars E. dark matter 5. Dark Matter is important because A. it holds galaxies together B. it is responsible for the expansion of the Universe C. determines whether a galaxy is an elliptical or a spiral D.
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