Questionire on Bollywood Fashion

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RESEARCH ANALYSIS SYNOPSIS TOPIC: HOW DOES BOLLYWOOD MOVIES INFLUENCE THE LIFESTYLE IN THE SOCIETY BOLLYWOOD MOVIES have been a major source of entertainment for the past 100 years in the society and is still growing. Movies have always been a part of every Indian’s life, having their favourite actors and actress who play a vital role in inspiring their lifestyle. Movie making is an art where different aspects of the society is put together to make a movie. The movie making style has been changing according to the taste of the audience, influencing the lifestyle of millions of people around the globe. It is often said that Bollywood films reflect Indian society because the masses can identify with them. So I’d LIKE to do a research by conducting a survey on a group of 20-25 college students consisting a few questions on how their lifestyle is influenced by Bollywood movies. 1. Do you like watching Bollywood movies? a.YES b.NO 2. Do you like the fashion and lifestyle of actors in cinema? 3. Does fashion and lifestyle influence from movies? 4. What is the major difference between the lifestyle then and now? 5. Do you use the products endorsed by your favourite actor? 6. if you get a chance to live a film star’s life,who will it be and why? 7. would you prefer dressing up like your favourite movie star? 8. most of the fashion desginers in Bollywood are gay,what do you have to say about that? 9. Which movie according to you,had the best fashion elements till date? 10. What is your kind of

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