Quality Improvement and Organization Performance

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1.0 SUMMARY There are many factors that may influence on quality improvement and organizations performance. This paper studies to investigate what are the soft factors that influence on quality improvement and organization performance. Besides that this paper also to examine the link between quality improvement and organizational performance. Moreover, it stressed out about the firms that implement quality management focus on providing superior value to the customer and on improving the efficiency of the processes. Continuous improvement of processes and product quality leads to increased revenues through product reliability and reduced costs through process efficiency. Therefore, quality improvement practices may be a way to improve firm performance and also for continuous survival of Malaysian E&E organizations. However, it argues what actually the factors that can truly promote and enhance the successful quality improvement practices and performance. They believe that the most soft factors that they used in their studies which showed on top management leadership, employee involvement, employee empowerment, employee training and development and teamwork and communication were contribute to the quality management that lead to organizational performance. Result showed that the soft factors had a significant related to the measures of quality improvement and organizational performance. It suggest that in general, there are five out of six soft factors that influence quality improvement practices which are management commitment, customer focus, employee involvement, training and education, and reward and recognition. In addition, results showed that the implementation of quality improvement practices may impact positively on organizational performance. 2.0 CRITIQUE Based on the study by Rahman and Bullock (2005), it said that the soft

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