Qnt 351 Essay

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Data Collection Ballard Integrated Managed Services, Inc. (BIMS) is the leading company in providing food and housekeeping services to large corporations. To continue quality service and strong business relationships with clients, some improvements must be implemented to sustain company success. In this report, Team A. Consultants will present: Company overview of the problems and hypotheses, describe the data collection process, describe the methods used for data collection, identify the level of measurement for each of the variables involved, describe how the data was coded and evaluate the procedure, eliminate the data input errors and provide conclusions about the appropriateness of the data. Overview For some unknown reason the number of employees leaving BIMS has increased. The annual turnover rate for the company has gone up to 64 percent in the last 4 months from the average annual rate of 55 to 60 percent. The concern for the increase comes from a change in employee morale. Because morale is low, management has noticed more sick time being used by the employees and productivity is low. The decrease in employee morale has created a problem for the company and its clients. The quality of services has decreased and the company has received complaints. Poor service and the cost to replace and train new employees is the result of this growing problem. In order to find a solution for the issue, data must be collected from each employee to summarize an opinion of how the employees feel about the company and their jobs. The purpose of the analysis is to lower the cost the company spends on new employees and to decrease the employee turnover rate. Some of the research questions that require an answer are: * Which departments within the company are experiencing the highest turnover rates? * What are the reasons for the employees to seek other

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