Qcf Diploma Level 2 Failure to Protect Vunerable People

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WINTERBOURNE VIEW The review found that there was a systemic failure to protect people or to investigate allegations of abuse. The provider had failed in its duty to notify the C.Q.C(Quality Care Commission) of serious incidents involving injuries to patients, or occasions when they had gone missing. Inspectors said that staff did not appear to understand the needs of the people in their care, adults with learning disabilities , complex needs and challenging behaviour. Staff who had no background in care services had been recruited, references were not always checked and staff were not trained or supervised properly. Some staff were too ready to use methods of restraint without considering alternatives. Managers did not ensure that major incidents were reported. Planning and delivery of care did not meet individual needs. They did not have robust systems to assess the quality of service. They did not identify and manage risks relating to health and safety of the patient. They did not take reasonable steps to identify the possibility of abuse and to prevent it before it occurred. They failed in their responsibilities to provide appropriate training and supervision to staff. They did not operate an effective recruitment procedure. They id not respond appropriately to allegations of abuse. They had not responded to or considered complaints and views of people about the service. Investigations into the conduct of staff were not robust enough and had not safeguarded the residents. The report said that it was now clear that the problems at Winterbourne View were far worse than initially indicated by the whistle-blower and that the provider had effectively misled the Q.C.Q by not keeping them informed about incidents as required by
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