Pursuit of Unhappiness

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Introduction In the “Pursuit of Unhappiness authors Robert Gunn and Betsy Gullickson, tells and story about a business woman named Karen. She is having a conversation with a friend. While detailing events at her job that made her upset, her friend points out to Karen that she is mad because she got just what she is asked for. The article then went into detail about the thought process that leads Karen to become angry at the fact that she got the raise she asked for. Though Karen’s thought process and the entire article many assumptions and hypothesis were made. Assumptions One assumption is that Karen was unjustly upset about her pay increase. Even though she got what she asked for, she felt cheated. Once she found out what others where making, Karen realized that she did not ask for enough. Karen may have been more upset at herself than her company. At the time she thought money was her main motivator. She came to the realization that out of the three motivators money, recognition, and cause (Gunn and Gullickson, 2007) that her main motivator was recognition. The fact that her main motivator was being fulfilled could be the reason why she undervalued her work and failed to ask for an adequate raise. Another assumption is that women often took jobs for the wrong reasons (Gunn and Gullickson, 2007). That statement suggests that Karen’s gender may have been the reason she did not recognize her motivator instead of the fact that she may have just never thought about it. If a person obtains a job that will not gratify their main motivator then that person will be unsatisfied with their job. By making this assumption the article also implies that most women are not satisfied at work .Even though assumptions are drawn from this article, there are a few hypotheses made by the Pursuit of Unhappiness. Hypotheses, Variable, and Operational Definitions One hypothesis

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