Public Relations: Crisis and Conflict Management

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Running Head: Unit 7: Conflict and Crisis Management Project Unit 7 Project – 2nd submission CM 350 – Public Relations Strategies Resubmission July 12, 2011 A public relations professional must recognize the importance of effective relationships between various stakeholders, such as customers, employees, community members, etc. It is not easy to define the term public relations, however “It's more important to remember the key words that are used in most definitions that frame today's modern public relations” (Wilcox and Cameron, 2010, p. 7). The Public Relations Society of America 1982 National Assembly formally adopted a definition of public relations, which is still accepted today: Public relations helps an organization and its publics adapt mutually to each other. This is an industry where deliberate communication is designed for gain, benefit and influence on behalf of the public and an organization. It is often the job of the public relations professional to strategically develop a conflict management plan when and if a crisis arises. Public relation professionals have the ability to influence the course a conflict will take by planning deliberate actions based on particular objectives. With proper planning an organization can be prepared for conflicts or a crisis when they occur and utilize their public relations staff to help make recommendations to improve their public image. Effective conflict and crisis management consist of utilizing proactive techniques that include being aware of any potential issues that may cause a conflict, assessing the risk factors involved, managing issues and developing a strategic plan to take deliberate action to avoid damage. This is a proactive technique called issues management it is a “...systematic approach to (1) predict problems, (2) anticipate threats, (3)
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