Public Parks: More Than Just a Pretty Space

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Public Parks: More Than Just a Pretty Space Parks in cities were first introduced in the 19th century in order to improve the lives of the people residing in the city. Parks allow people to come together and enjoy the simple beauty of nature around them that is hard to find in an urban area. Many people go to the park for a nice walk, to breathe in the fresh air, and to hang out with their friends. Public parks have been shown to be beneficial to peoples’ physical and mental health, as it is a place for them to relax and stay active in an urban environment. The famous landscape architect, Frederick Law Olmsted, first introduced the idea of parks in the 19th century. He felt as though there was a huge need for public parks for many reasons. He said that parks would improve public health, bring people of all races, classes, and creeds together, and move the lower class away from the street corners of cities. Parks were seen as an area where people could remove themselves from the crowded city (Olmsted, 2011). They were created as a place where people could get fresh air, relax, and take in the beauty of nature. Parks provide benefits for the physical health of a person. Physical activity is a crucial part of one’s daily life. Studies have shown that people should be doing at least 30 minutes of physical activity per day (Sherer, 2006). This can include going on a walk or going to the gym. Having access to public parks is a huge benefit to physical health. It is a place where people can go on a simple walk and breathe in the fresh air. Most people find it relaxing to go for a walk and do not see it as exercise, but it really is improving their physical health whether they realize it or not. Obesity is a major problem in America and there is a need for better access to public parks. In an article by Andrew Kaczynski and Morgan Hughey they state,

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