Psychological Analysis Marla

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Psychological Disorder Analysis Axia College of the University of Phoenix Introduction Marla has come to this mental health clinic with some symptoms that are making it hard to function at work. These symptoms include: trouble sleeping, feeling jumpy, and difficulties concentrating. Marla appears to be suffering from Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD. We will conduct a Clinical Assessment to determine if this diagnosis is correct, determine the origin of the disorder and review Marla’s options for treatment. Marla Marla is a 42 year old Hispanic female who complains of difficulties sleeping, concentrating, and feeling “jumpy”. She presents herself today as a well groomed, happy and fidgety individual.…show more content…
Trouble concentrating, sleeping, and feeling “jumpy” are classic signs of the disorder. These symptoms, she also experienced as a child. ADHD is usually diagnosed in children but many times, children with ADHD become adults with ADHD. It is possible that Marla went undiagnosed as a child. The history of this patient would support this diagnosis. ADHD is the inability to concentrate, finish tasks, focus and the tendency to act over actively, impulsively and disorganized. ADHD has the ability to hinder ones activities, work life, home life and social life. This disability affects every aspect of a person’s life. I have learned through personal experience that ADHD Starts at an early age. It is usually noticed first in school age children before the age of 7. Dr. Arthur J. Kohn Jr. states that one commonality is that many with ADHD have a father with the same symptoms. This would suggest that the disability is a biological illness. He also states that sociological factors are believed to play a part in the onset of the illness such as; fast paced culture and parenting skills. Although it is not completely sure how this disability comes about, these are just a couple of examples of factors that can make one…show more content…
These drugs are stimulants that help the individual to be less hyperactive and more focused. An analogy that might help one see how a very active and hyper person can benefit from a stimulant might be to imagine a rim on a tire that is going about 20 mph. It is noticeable that the wheel is moving and it is difficult to see or notice the individual spokes on the tire, but if that same car is to speed up to about 45 mph, the wheel looks as if it is not even moving. The same is thought about stimulant drug and ADHD. Dr. Arthur J. Kohn Jr. states that about 75% of children that are treated with stimulants are able to control their impulse and focus more. This form of treatment though is not a cure in any way. These drugs only treat the symptoms of the disorder and are not beneficial in the long run. But there are forms of therapy that can help one to make better decision and help them in the future. With the combination of the stimulants and Behavioral Therapy, one will gain useful skills and coping mechanisms and be able to focus on the greater good of the
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