Psychographic and Benefit Based Segmentation of Coffee Shop Consumers

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| 2012 | | | Psychographic and Benefit based segmentation of coffee shop consumers | | Research Marketing Decision Final Submission Introduction The beginning of coffee: The Arab traders were among the first to cultivate coffee beans in large plantations. A drink was created from boiling the coffee beans and they called the drink ‘Qahwa’. Later the drink became very popular and was called coffee. In India, it is believed that around 1600, pilgrims returning from abroad brought back the first coffee beans from the city of Mocha in Yemen. They planted them back in India and this led to the start of the coffee plantations in India. Table 1: A brief Timeline for coffee. Coffee Retail industry in India: India has always been a chai or tea drinking nation. Coffee was popular only in a few states of South India. Initially it was the rich Brahman families who consumed coffee. However with the growing Indian economy and the middle class ready to spend more and adopt global lifestyle and culture, coffee shops have become more and more popular. According to EuroMonitor, the coffee retail industry in India is over $185 million and it is growing at an annual compound rate of 25%. Currently there are around 1500 outlets in India. The main reason for this explosive growth is the growing youth segment of India. It is estimated that roughly 50% of the Indian population are 25 or younger and is expected to increase to 55% by 2015. For the youth coffee shops are social hubs to enjoy some quality time with friends or simply go for a cup of coffee. The main players in the coffee retail industry of India are: * Barista Lavazza * Cafe Coffee Day (CCD) * Café Mocha * Chocolate Room * Coffee Bean & Tea World * Coffee World * Costa Coffee * Gloria Jeans * Java

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