Psychodynamic Personality Theories

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Describe how psychodynamic theories affect individual personalities There are no two individuals who have the same exact personality. That is why personality is so unique. Although there is not a concrete definition of personality, there are different characteristics, which define it. Whether psychologically, emotionally, physcially, or intellectually every individual has different characteristics. There are different theories established by psychologists, which explain where personality originates. The highly important individual who played a role in the psychoanalysis theory was Sigmund Freud. Freud believed an individual’s personality was influenced by the unconscious, which there is no way to control. He based understanding of personality on analysis of patient’s dreams as well as his own dreams. Adler theorized that personality was motivated by the influence of society and fighting for triumph. Adler theorized that individual personality grows based on outside factors such as defeat, indemnification, and exaggeration. He believed personality to be a existent with no conflicts from ego, whereas Freud believed the unconscious is based within an individual based on internal conflicts. Jung disagreed with Freud and as a resulted went his own way where he established analytical psychology. “He believed individuals were motivated by not only repressed experiences but also certain emotionally toned experiences inherited from our ancestors” (Feist & Feist, 2009, p. 98). “Klein’s theory of object relations stressed the nurturing and loving relationship between parent and child which is an example for outlook on relationships and associations” (Feist & Feist, 2009, p. 136). She believe that children developed a superego earlier than what Freud suggested. “Horney’s psychoanalytic social theory was built on the assumption that social and cultural conditions,
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