Psychodynamic Approach Essay

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Psychodynamic Approach Sigmund Freud is the founder of the psychodynamic approach. This approach focuses on the unconscious mind to explain behaviour, and also to treat people suffering from mental illness. This approach also looks into our behaviour and feelings as adults, as our childhood experiences and Interpol relationships can explain this. Freud believes that what drives our behaviour is conflict that arises between three parts of our psych, the id, superego and the ego. The three personalities of the psych are usually out of sync with each other. The id, which is present in new born infants consists of biological impulses or drives such as, hunger and thirst. As a result the id is said to work on the pleasure principle. It motivates us to behave in certain ways to satisfy our urges. As the child grows, so does the ego. The ego opposes the id with what is realistically possible taking into consideration the environment it’s in, for instance relieving the bladder must be delayed to a toilet is available. The ego works on the reality principle. The superego is seen as the ‘devil’ it is part of the conscious and unconscious mind. The superego fails to internalise morals. Therefore, someone whose superego overpowers the id and ego may often have deviant behaviour. The root of Freud’s theory is that all people are driven by the libido. The libido isn’t just the sex drive; it can take different forms. The libido moves to different areas of the body at different stages of development. Oral stage 0-1: the mouth, babies will pick up and suck objects. Anal stage 1-3: the anus, it’s not all about the id anymore and experiences being in control for the first time, when toilet training. Phallic stage 3-5: the penis or clitoris, boys and girls diverge as the Oedipus and Electra complex begins. Latent stage 5-puberty: sexual drives are repressed. Genital stage,
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