Pros And Cons Of Smokers Turn To Vaping

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Smokers Turn to ‘vaping’ to Give up the Habit As of Wednesday, June 12, 2013, the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency announced that Britain will start regulating electronic cigarettes as medicines. The new e-cigs are battery powered products that turn flavored liquid nicotine into a vapor that is inhaled by the user and exhaled as a harmless cloud of vapor. In the recent years, this new product has increased in sales because regular cigarette prices have increased to an average of six dollars and twenty-five cents a box which has caused a chain reaction of smokers trying to “put down the Marlboros.” This new regulation coming in the year 2016 will give Britain control of any products that contain nicotine and classify it…show more content…
Ward’s purpose is to make readers aware of how risky it is to lack background knowledge about this new device. She adopts a contemplative attitude with her audience who are current e-cig vapers or those who are interested in the new product. She supports this claim by first introducing the benefits of using an e-cig rather than a regular cigarette, then expresses the cons of ‘vaping the unknown liquid, and lastly attempts to aid readers to determine if the benefits outweigh the risks of ‘vaping.’ Alyson Ward’s editorial in the Houston Chronicle, about the different aspects of electronic cigarettes effectively convinces her audience to think twice about the vapor they breathe in through the use of statistics and emotional…show more content…
Actress Jenny McCarthy is featured in the commercial of a vapor company and told viewers that “When I switched to blu electronic cigarettes…I felt the freedom to have a cigarette without the guilt” (Ward 2). Electronic cigarette users have started to become accepted in today’s society and more businesses are starting to allow clients to start “smoking” their e-cigs within the facility. Likewise, “Converts want to spread the gospel of vaping, to convince others to give up tar and tobacco in favor of batteries and flavored nicotine” (Ward 1). To put it in another way, the author uses the confidence of other successful converts to encourage others to give up smoking and turn to ‘vaping.’ Ward uses pathos to imply that even though there are some risks, it is better to take a courageous jump than to stand still and accept the dangerous outcomes that are already known when smoking regular cigarettes. In Alyson Ward’s editorial, she sheds light upon the successful people who have given up smoking by looking towards the electronic cigarette. Ward’s purpose is to inform her audience about the advantages and dangers of the electronic cigarette. Through logical studies, different emotional opinions, and a contemplative approach, Alyson Ward effectively convinces her readers to think twice

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