War On Weed Research Paper

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Samantha Kanuika RE: War On Weed The war on weed is no new concept to American society. William Randolph Hearst, the owner and publisher of the biggest newspaper in the country, was heavily involved in the campaign to criminalize marijuana in the late 1930s. Hearst rightfully argues, “Marijuana makes fiends of boys in thirty days — Hashish goads users to bloodlust. By the tons it is coming into this country — the deadly, dreadful poison that racks and tears not only the body, but the very heart and soul of every human being who once becomes a slave to it in any of its cruel and devastating forms…. Marijuana is a short cut to the insane asylum. Smoke marijuana cigarettes for a month and what was once your brain will be nothing but a storehouse…show more content…
Much like cigarette smoke, this will also increase dangers to secondhand smokers. This implies that all the above problems will be experienced by a greater number of people and this will just be breeding a sick society. Medical professionals find it troubling that parents who deliver a "don't smoke cigarettes" speech to their children do not realize the toxic properties of carcinogens in marijuana. New Zealand researchers found that smoking one joint is equivalent to 20 cigarettes in terms of lung cancer. The European Respiratory Journal revealed, "In the near future we may see an 'epidemic' of lung cancers connected with this new carcinogen. And the future risk probably applies to many other countries, where increasing use of cannabis among young adults and adolescents is becoming a major public health…show more content…
A year ago, the government estimated 4.1 million Americans were using marijuana. Imagine that number doubling or even tripling. Legalization of the drug will throw our country into a state of turmoil because if no law exists to keep one from using a drug, then more and more of the drug will be used. Making pot readily available to the public for recreational use will greatly affect the future of America for we are poisoning the fresh minds of our youth. Children will begin using at a younger age; therefore, the physical and mental effects will be significantly increased. Soon, we’ll have a country overrun by sickly potheads. Before making such a rash decision we need to ask ourselves this vital question, “Is this what we want our future to look
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