Pros And Cons Of Hydrofracking

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Hydrofracking Gabby Ortecho Hydrofracking is a new economical and technological methods that lets natural gas producers to recover natural gas. Hydraulic fracturing is a techique when large amounts of water are combined with small amounts of chemicals and sand and then are pumped under high pressure into a gas well. The purpose of hydrofracting is to make tiny cracks in rocks by using water to force the rocks open. When pressure is let out and the water is removed , the sand stays at the bottom and lets gas move more freely. Hydrofracking has some positive affects on us. Some pros of hydrofracking is: · Hydrofracking is a way to get natural gas which is a fossil fuel. · Eco-friendly to burn natural gas. · Natural gas can substitute for coal and oil. · We get natural gas domestiscally rather than internationally. · Reduce…show more content…
Even tho hydrofracking can help us in New York out by a little we should also look at the side effects. Yea we can get substitudes for coal & gas, employ the unemployed, and we can finally get natural gas ourselves but we can also be effecting the human race. People can get sick. Hydrofracking contaminates water that we drink from and animals live in. It also releases large amounts of methane which is considered an earth warming gas. Just like methane , greenhouse gases are released. Greenhouse gases add to the greenhouse house affect which causes global warming. The gases help trap heat making temperatures. The raise of the temperature has been affecting humans and animals. Glaciers started to melt really fast which is affecting the animals that live in the north/south pole. Hydrofracking will make us alot of money and would let us to make our own natural gas and wouldnt have to get it from somewhere else but we are harming our environment we havent going to last here if we keep messing with

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