Pros And Cons Of Asylum In Australia

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We, the imprisoned asylum seekers of Australia, respectfully appeal to the people of the world to hear our story, understand our plight and emanate to our assistance. We left our homes because we had no choice but to flee from brutal, dictatorial regimes and deprived human rights. We believed we would receive a fair hearing in Australia, but our pleas of asylum have been unjustly refused. We have been detained in detention for a very long time, many of us for more than three years and our situations show no sign of changing. The only solution we are offered by the Australian government is to return to the persecution we once fled. Without the intervention of an honourable third party, willing to show compassion and common sense, we fear that we will be imprisoned for ever. Because Australia has rejected our claims, we cannot seek refuge elsewhere under the UN convention. WE can only beg each nation to look beyond its strict legal obligations and consider the senseless…show more content…
Often the countries bordering our homelands were already burdened with millions of refugees, or caught up in the very same problems that we are fleeing. Australia is regarded as a peaceful, democratic country where injustice and equality is thought to be immoral. We believe we would receive justice here. Instead, WE were imprisoned. At first for weeks or months, each of us were kept isolated from the outside world, with no mail, no telephones, no radio or newspapers, WE remained in prison. Men women and children seeking asylum in Australia are locked behind bars in remote detention centres until they are either granted via or deported back to their persecuted lives that comprises of terror and in justice. However long that process takes, be it three months or six years. Even blind men and pregnant women are kept behind razor

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