Promethean Ambition In Frankenstein

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Against It All Destined forever imprisonment by shackles nailed to a rock, an eagle preys on his insides for eternity, responsible for the outbreak of the first ever recorded war, Prometheus suffers for having acted against Zeus's wishes and condemned himself to such fate. From that tale, the concept of Promethean Ambition came about; which is defined as boldly creative and original actions or behavior, this concept is also portrayed in both Frankenstein by Mary Shelly and Dexter (the award winning ShowTime Series). Promethean Ambition is seen in the character Victor Frankenstein where he brings to life a Creature condemning the very holiness of God's powers; it is also seen in Harry Morgan – from Dexter – whom single handedly trained his…show more content…
Harry's conviction led him to a life of remorse and disgrace, and both men felt nothing but repulsion and repentance after coming to realization with what they have done. Victor truly believed that in bringing the Creature to life, he was indeed bettering the world, as Harry assumed that through guiding Dexter into becoming a murderous vigilante he was aiding mankind. Ironically both men were utterly mistaken; all Victor's Creature truly accomplished was murdering his loved ones in anger, and terrifying the world with his appalling appearance. Dexter on the other hand might've helped mankind, but who's to say it was his right to kill all those people? One might argue "The Justice System does that exact act every day." The Justice System is made up of more than one person, a group of people decide whether a human deserves the gift of life or the anguish of death, the System tends to act fairly, but Dexter is one and has executed innocent people believing they deserved it, and so both the Creature and Dexter were unable to differentiate between right and wrong, unable to lead a life of normalcy all thanks to their

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