Pro Taberna, Clementis (in Front of Clemens’ Store)

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Pages 123-124, lines 8 – 28, Pro Taberna, Clementis (In Front of Clemens’ Store) Clemens, however, did not run away, but hurried as fast as he could to the store. After he arrived there, he stood in front of his store motionless. He saw the doors wrenched off, the store torn apart. Eutychus was standing outside the store with his Egyptian thugs, and he was smiling. Eutychus while laughing said, “My dear fellow! I warned you about this street, didn’t I? You do have friends whom you can call, don’t you? Why are they absent? Perhaps they are wiser than you.” Clemens replied to him with utmost calm, “My friends are absent, but the gods can look after me; the gods are accustomed to punishing wicked person.” Eutychus very angrily said, “What are you saying? Do you dare to talk to me in this way?” Then Eutychus gave the signal to his thugs. Immediately the four Egyptians who were brandishing their clubs approached Clemens. Clemens stood his ground. The street, in which he was standing, was deserted. The terrified storekeepers were watching through the doors of their stores. All of them had abandoned Clemens unwillingly, as soon as Eutychus and his thugs arrived. Suddenly the sacred car, which Clemens was accustomed to petting, came out from the temple. It headed straight for Clemens. It jumped into Clemens’ hands. All the Egyptians immediately threw away their clubs and fell down at the feet of Clemens. They did not dare to harm Clemens, whom the sacred cat was looking after. Eutychus was in a rage, like an angry bull. . .

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