Pro Life Essay

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9 Nov 2010 Abortion I am claiming that I am completely pro-life. My reasons for being pro-life are that: one, murder is wrong. Any form a killing a person is very wrong. There is no law that says killing a human being should go without punishment, abortion should be no different. Some argue that a fetus is not living yet, but I believe that it is alive at the time of conception, making it a human being and aborting it would be murder. Every person has a reason to live; they should all have a chance at life. The fetus is a potential human being and you are taking that right away from a person instantly being aborting it. Also, having an abortion can lead to medical complications in later pregnancies. Once you have an abortion you have…show more content…
Some reasons being the they believe that the fetus is not living within the first trimester, making it okay to abort the baby within the first twelve weeks of pregnancy. They also think that because the fetus is not living that it should have no rights, also making it okay to abort. Another reason is in a life threatening situation, such as rape or an accident that would put the mother is harm, the mother should be able to abort the baby. I cannot completely argue against this statement, but if you’re raped and it is an unwanted child, there are others that might want that child. You could always have the baby and give it up for adoption. Also, there are medical procedures that can prevent from getting pregnant when raped. Another reason is that they think that abortion is not used as contraception. Many individuals use protection against getting pregnant, but learning your menstrual cycle to know when you’re ovulating and taking care of yourself can prevent a pregnancy. A pregnancy does cause stress. Is causes stress in the present as you are developing the baby but an abortion can lead to regret and possible mental issues present and future time. Another reason is that a woman should have control of her body. That she should but that fetus that is growing, becoming a human being should have control over its body as well, and aborting it is taking it’s right away before it even has a chance to live. Isn’t that the same as
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