Controversial Issues Surrounding The Abortion Debate

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Abortion Abortion is an extremely controversial issue, with arguments from both sides coming from people of all backgrounds and religions. There are many protests and debates worldwide around abortion going on all the time. Weather the argument is pro-life where the foetus is considered as innocent life, or Pro- choice where the decision rests with the mother and father of the child and how they feel about abortion. It has been reported that one in three women in the UK will have an abortion and the majority of these women are between twenty and twenty four years old. There are three types of abortion that a woman can have if she decides she wasn’t an abortion, But the type of abortion depends on what stage of the pregnancy the woman is…show more content…
It has been shown that there is a slight risk of infertility if the woman has experienced complications during or after an abortion, or if a woman has had more than one abortion in her lifetime. The pro-choice arguments back up its claim that without legal abortions there would be thousands of back street abortions carried out by non-trained personal which could lead to more medical problems for the mothers, resulting in higher medical bills for the state than the cost of abortion. Abortion only comes with a small risk of any complications, 0.5%. This is thanks to modern medicine and the fact that most abortions are no invasive and do not require any surgical procedure. Pro-choice also supports parents if they discover their child has a genetic disorder, so they can, make their own choice on their…show more content…
Pro-life is the opposing argument to pro-choice, and that abortions should be made illegal like in Northern Ireland unless the mother’s life is at serious risk. Many Religions have the traditional view that abortion is a sin. It is argued that if a teenager becomes pregnant and has an abortion they may come to regret this in later life, because at the time they were only a minor. The argument for Pro-life is a choice by people who feel that it is wrong to take a man life, weather that human has been born or not is irrelevant. Abortion is seen as no different to murder. In the case or Rape or incest, pro-life campaigners argue that the child is the one being punished when it has not committed the crime and that the child is completely innocent and it’s the criminal that instead should be punished. Pro –life campaigners also argue that adoption is an alternative to abortion, and that many people will use abortion as a method of contraception. They argue that there are thousands of people waiting to adopt children, so if a mother decides she doesn’t want her child for any reason she can offer this child through adoption to a suitable
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