Principles of Communication in Adult Social Care Settings

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Task B – Poster Create a poster about confidentiality which can be used in an adult social care setting. The poster must: Give a definition of the term 'confidentiality' as it applies in adult social care settings. Describe examples of how to maintain confidentiality in day to day communication. Describe examples of situations where you might need to share confidential information with other professionals or the carers of individuals receiving the service. Explain how and when to seek advice about confidentiality and where to go for help. Confidentiality means not sharing information about someone without their knowledge and agreement and ensuring that written and electronic information cannot be accessed or read by people who have no reason to see it. Ways to keep information secure To keep care plans secure Don't talk about service users out of work. Do not share information to people that do not have the right to the information. Situations where you might need to share confidential information. If a service user is at risk of harm e.g. if a service user tells you that they are being abused. If a service user goes missing, may need to give a description to the media. Information may be required by a tribunal, a court or by the ombudsman. How and when to seek advice about confidentiality and where to go for help. If you are in a situation where you are unsure about how or if to maintain confidentiality, then you must discuss it with your manager. Also you could look in Clinton House's confidentiality
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