Principle Of Play In Performance

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In this essay I am going to be discussing the concept of play and how it fits into performance. I will also be looking at Donald Winnicott and Kendall Walton’s theories of play and explaining how these theories apply to performance. To support my opinion I will be using the Northern stage’s production of ‘Oh What a Lovely War’ and explaining how that performance utilised play. The word ‘play’ can have many different meanings, with the most literal being to play a game. However, Donald Winnicott and Kendall Walton believe that play is a theory which applies itself to many different areas of life, beginning in the infant years and progressing through adolescence into adult hood. The philosopher Walton focuses on the concept of imagining and ‘the game world.’ To Walton the game world consists of any time you enter into a game or a world of make believe. His focus is primarily on children and infants and the way they explore and make sense of the world through the medium of play. ‘Play in children is a way of understanding and exploring the world.’ (Walton, K. 1990). He believes that if we want to understand art and performance we should look to children for guidance. ‘In order to understand paintings, plays, films and novels, we must look first at dolls, hobbyhorses, toy trucks and teddy bears.’ (Walton, K. 1990: 11). I believe that in the above quote Walton is saying that when children play with toys such as teddy bears and toy trucks, they build a world of make believe where anything can be possible and have a naivety about the world that only children can possess. If we as adults take on some of this naivety and the belief that anything can be possible we will be more open to art such as performance, as we will not have any preconceived ideas and will be able to enter into the world of make believe, and appreciate it without analysing and criticising it.
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