Prevention Of Violent Crimes Being Commit By Kids

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Programs to be implicated for children of violent criminals Lisa Robbins Everest University Online Today we are able to possibly prevent a child from committing violent crimes. As early on as infancy, the adults are the main source of safety; security and comfort are good influences. Children that are respected, encouraged to explore, taught to honor each other’s privacy and have dignity are not violent criminals. Children exposed to people that were reasonable, didn’t show violence, could solved problems on their own prove that they were not in prison or even have a criminal record. But those children that were raised in a family that inflicted whippings, weren’t cuddled as a baby, hugged to show them how much they were loved, ever played with while they were growing up, protected from harm, guided in the right direction, soothed when hurt or when crying, comforted when their feelings were hurt, had book read to them, listened to while they were talking, or even tucked in at night could have more of a violent or aggressive side to them. Children that have been growled at out of anger, barked at with orders as to what to do, had ever been called insulting names, smacked, spanked or even ignored could also become a violent criminal. However, thousands of children across the United States suffer from the consequences of violence in their homes, schools and also in their community. Children are more likely to become victims of crime more than adults. Child Protective Services investigated 3 million reports in 1997 of child abuse and 1 million of them were substantiated and 2,200 children are reported missing ever day. There is a tremendous toll on children that are victims or witnesses to crime and violence. These children are more susceptible and at a higher risk to develop behavioral problems and fail academically as well as they could always be late

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