Pret a Manger Assestment

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1. Research Topic: Analysis of management system in Pret a Manger company based on the stores in London, United Kingdom. 2. Thesis Statement: Management system introduced by Pret a Manger is effective. Trainining system helps employees to perform better and better. Employees are satisfied and perform better which translates into profit. Pret a Manger management system is prepared to train multinational personnel and to prepare to manage people from different cultures. This makes this management system usefull and we should use the tricks used by the company management. 3. Purpose of the research: Purpose of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of the management system in Pret a Manger. Show the relevance of the system with the possibility of placing it in other companies. In my studies I will use inductive research approach. As develop and progress of my work will be based on observations and interviews. 4. Research Questions: I answer the following questions: 1. Whether the company is profitable? 2. Whether the form of training conducted by the company is effective? 3. Whether the flow of informations between different levels of employees is effective? 4. Whether the system launched by Pret a Manger is appropriate when dealing with a multinational group? 5. Is there anything that suppost to be approved? 6. Is it worth to introduce such management system in other companies? 5. Indicators: -number of employees working at more than 5 years -number of employees making complaints about their management which are comming to head office -the amount of satysfied customers (prices from customers) Indicators Gentry Men, women Age 18 – 40 + Nationality Polish, Colombian, Spanish, Italian, French, Germanian, Lithuavian, Korean, China, Bulgarian, Lithuavian, Indian, Salary (monthly) From £880 to £1600 6.
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