Possible Exam Style Questions on Memory:

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POSSIBLE EXAM STYLE QUESTIONS ON MEMORY: • Psychology students sometimes revise for an exam by reading their notes over and over again. However, psychologists suggest that other memory improvement strategies may be more effective. • Explain how a student could use their knowledge of strategies for memory improvement (other than repetition) to help revise for a psychology exam. • Explain two differences between short-term memory and long-term memory in this Model • Explain two differences between short-term memory and long-term memory in this Model • Outline one strength and one limitation of the working memory model • In this experiment, participants were asked to look at a photograph rather than watch a live conversation. Explain one strength and one limitation of carrying out the experiment in this way. • Jenny was standing at a bus stop talking on her mobile phone. The weather was wet and cold. Two men in the bus queue started arguing. One of the men was stabbed and badly injured. Later that day the police questioned Jenny, using a cognitive interview. They asked her to report everything she could remember about the incident even if it seemed unimportant. Apart from ‘report everything’, explain how the police could use a cognitive interview to investigate what Jenny could remember. • Describe and evaluate the multi-store model of memory • Outline the working memory model. • Explain one limitation of the working memory model • Outline one strategy for memory improvement • Outline and evaluate research into the effects of age of witnesses on accuracy of eyewitness testimony. • Describe two strategies for improving memory. • Jamie wanted to contact his doctor. He looked up the number in his telephone directory. Before he dialled the number, he had a short conversation with his friend. Jamie was about

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