Possible Causes of Sleep Problems in Children

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Nightmares, Sleep Walking, and Night Terrors in Children Angela Barker Cameron University Abstract What are the possible causes of sleep problems such as nightmares, sleep walking, and night terrors in children? Nightmares are generally defined as dreams with strong negative or unpleasant emotions. The dreamer is woke up by the nightmare and usually clearly remembers the bad dream. Nightmares seem to be common among children yet not many studies have evaluated the relationship between anxiety and sleep problems in children. Sleep walking has been described as a person who is sleeping, has their eyes closed but may walk around as if they are awake. Night terrors are when the child awakens suddenly, seems to be half asleep and still shows emotions like fear, crying, or even yelling. My hope in researching sleep problems in children is to find a possible connection between sleep problems in children and anxiety. Keywords: nightmares, sleep walking, night terrors Nightmares, Sleep Walking, and Night Terrors in Children Research has shown that as many as 40% of all children experience sleep problems, and that nightmares affect about 55% of children 6-10 years of age. As I began searching for articles it was my goal to research the correlation of sleep disturbances in children and anxiety. Although I did find some articles pertaining to children’s nightmares and a possible ling to anxiety, however most articles were totally different. According to a study by Smedje, Broman, and Hetta (2002), the course and psychological correlates of disturbed sleep during middle childhood were investigated using parent’s responses to questionnaires. The test explored difficulties falling asleep, bedtime resistance, snoring, night-waking, and bed wetting. The conclusion was that, during middle-childhood, difficulties falling asleep, night-waking, snoring,

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