Polycystic Kidney Disease Essay

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Polycystic Kidney Disease Affecting somewhere near 12.5 million people, polycystic kidney disease is the most commonly inherited life threatening disease .Genetically passed down from generation to generation, causing renal failure in most cases. This disorder involves complications mainly to the kidneys but can spread to other areas. The kidneys maintain chemical and hormonal levels in the body as well as filter your blood to eliminate the waste by- products. Lose of normal functions in the kidney as well as the formation of cysts in the tissue and buildup of toxins in the blood result from this disorder. Fluid filled sacs called cysts develop in the tissue of the kidneys and may range from severe…show more content…
Infants diagnosed with PKD will most likely not live with the disease past the age of two. Cysts can be found by performing an ultrasound on the kidneys. DNA testing also allows for confirmation of the disease. Patients with a family history of PKD need to notify their physician immediately to conclude diagnosis. Symptoms of polycystic kidney disease may be dormant in the earlier stages of development. Generally pain will be present in the abdomen, hips, lower back and sides. Pain levels range from mild to severe and can be constant or intermittent. Hematuria is blood in the urine and may be present and visible to be the naked eye or found microscopically. Hematuria may continue for one day or last several days. Urinary tract infections are fairly common and result from bacteria entering the urethra and typically infecting the bladder but may spread to the kidneys as well. Urgency and frequency of urination may also be a complication with the presence of a UTI (urinary tract infection). Kidney stones can be another symptom of PKD. Cysts may block the tubules and prevent normal drainage

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