Political Situation in Haiti

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Political situation in Haiti By Ketcia Dorante As of now, Haiti is considered as an unstable country by the international community. After the departure of Dictator Jean-Claude Duvalier, in 1986, Haiti has seen different political situation such as military coup d’état and provisional government. In fact, in 2004, unrest all over the country has forced President Aristide to resign and the United Nations sent a United States led multinational force that consisted of over 21,000 troops to restore the legitimate government to provide a safe environment for Haitians. Later in the same year the multinational force has changed into United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTHA). Since I am working for United Nations in Haiti, I would like to understand why Haiti can not be stable, at least politically stable. First, stability can not restore in Haiti without political parties. It will be crucial to understand what a political party in Haiti is and how practically to put a political party alive in Haiti? Furthermore, it is equally important to be aware of the grassroots organizations which in some cases could equal to a political party. In addition, elections have not been held routinely or at least on time, and political parties are not well-organized. The parties provide a focal point for galvanizing support around a charismatic personage that is how we have the last three (3) elected presidents: Aristide, Preval and Martelly. Good constructed political parties will help build good citizen that will put the Haitian people first, above political differences and self interests, and will show the world that Haiti is on the right path to ensure democracy, development and attract foreign investment. Second, the international community is one of the powerful players in getting a stable Haiti. It is very important to see what the international
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