Should Campaign Laws Be Reformed

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Campaigns for U.S. Congress and the presidency should be financed entirely by public money. Presidential campaign laws should be reformed so that representatives can only use funding that originates from public money. There are two crucial purposes for the need for this modification; one because certain candidates are receiving ludicrous amounts of money and it is not fair for others who perhaps cannot generate such funding. Secondly, the individuals who are providing this money are not supporting their candidates without ulterior motives which results in a corrupt system. These issues can be resolved with a procedure implemented that only allows campaigns to be financed by public money. The Federal Election Commission reported that Presidential and congressional candidates running in the 2012 election cycle received more than $7.1 billion in funding for their campaigns. This absurdly high figure is an…show more content…
Obviously in the world of politics no money can be willingly donated without the expectation of something in return. This is usually in the form of somewhat influencing the legislative and executive branches of government to benefit their cause. The financial support significantly manipulates the way politicians vote on measures; they tend to listen to campaign funders and lobbyists above anyone else, passing laws which benefit only a small population of people whilst simultaneously impairing the rest of the nation. The lack of transparency with regards to bundlers ignites the speculation on corruption as the Federal Election Commission does not require campaigns to disclose the names of bundlers unless they are registered lobbyists. This raises suspicions as bundlers who accumulate a lot of money for candidates are more likely to receive dubious favors, such as government grants, loans or lucrative
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