Police Stress Essay

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Criminology and Policing There are about five types of law enforcement and policing, one of these types of policing is Anglo-American democratic law enforcement, and this type has some prominent features. Solid defining theories of policing and law enforcement are almost non-existent. There are, nonetheless, some metaphoric diagrams of policing that make relevant certain of their various features and hence can be used to explain police practice (Kelling and Coles, 1997). There are about five international or worldwide types of policing and law enforcement: Islamic-traditional, democratic, authoritarian, continental, and Asian. The Anglo-American democratic type is the core of this entry. Even though all countries have security police and law enforcement in connection to the protection of revered people, special areas, public places, and infrastructure including private buildings, and this law enforcement have, in conjecture, rather wide powers and in democratic societies have continually sought, except in periods of extreme catastrophe, to limit police powers (Kelling and Coles, 1997). Police stress means the unenthusiastic pressures connected to police work. Law enforcement officers are not some kind of superhuman. Research indicates that police officers are immensely affected by their daily experience of human indecency and sometimes pain; that dealing with a distrustful and sometimes cruel and hostile public takes its toll on the law enforcement agents. Moreover, that the shift sometimes changes from the long periods of tediousness, and the ubiquitous dangers that are always part of law enforcement work do breed serious job stress (Biggam, et al., 1997). The pressures of policing and law enforcement situate officers at a high risk for high blood pressure, destructive stress hormones, insomnia, heart problems, possible post-traumatic stress

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