Police Officer Essay

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Interview of Officer Robert Henke In this essay I was told to interview an officer or someone in the law enforcement field. After doing some calling, and only getting voicemails. I thought of calling someone that had helped my family in the past, Officer Robert Henke. As a little kid, he was one of the main people in my life that I looked up to and he made me want to grow up and be a police officer. My whole life I was exposed to gangs and violence. I was strong and was able to resist the temptations, but my younger brother was not able to fight the peer pressure to join a gang. He went from being a good kid to a gang member, and it happened in a blink of an eye. After years of trying to convince him to get out, a family tragedy happened. My cousin, who was also involved with the same gang, was murdered right in front of my eyes. It was very rough on my family but especially on my brother. But thank God, one day Officer Henke found my brother on the streets and from that moment on, his life changed. I don’t know exactly what he did or said to my brother, but he must have made a huge influence on my younger brother’s decisions, because it has been more than three years and my brother has been crime free. Officer Robert Henke is a native of Illinois. In April of 1997, he joined the Elgin Police Department, following in his father’s foot steps. He worked as a patrol officer for about three and half years, and on November 13th, 2000 he was assigned to the D.A.R.E. program, also known as Drug Abuse Resistance Education. Since then, he has been focusing his professional career on helping the youth in his community. He believes that teenagers are more prone to commit a crime, use drugs, or join a gang because they are the most vulnerable. Officer Henke is making a huge impact in the community where he serves; keeping kids out of trouble, teaching

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