Plato, Aristotle and Knowledge

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Plato and Aristotle likewise engaged in argument and logic, only to attain knowledge of what is truly real. Unlike the Sophists, these two have a goal beyond the argument per se. In a sense, they have the same goal – understand and grasp reality or what is in existence. They have the same goal although expressed in different terms. Plato believed and furthered the Socratic or Dialectic Method, by which the questioner must be skilled at detecting misconceptions and revealing them by asking the right questions. Plato more or less discovered on his own was that mankind is born with knowledge. That is, knowledge is present in the human mind at birth. It is not so much that we "learn" things in our daily experience, but that we "recollect" them. In other words, this knowledge is already there. For Plato, reality is governed by the Theory of Forms –Forms (what is really real) and Objects (reflection of what is real. The human being through the use of reason may have a glimpse and understand the notion of Forms as truly real, beyond the Objects that reflects them. According to Plato “The Forms are divine, eternal, simple, indissoluble, unchanging, self-subsisting reality, existing outside space and time”. Plato ‘s Theory of Forms is further extended by Aristotle by providing for further classifications by which the human being can have a glimpse and understand reality. Aristotle introduced the concept of syllogisms .These is used to infer one proposition from other propositions is to see that the one follows from the others. Aristotle argued that knowledge comes from experience. Aristotle’s Posterior Analytics begins, “All instruction given or received by way of argument proceeds from pre-existent knowledge.” By this he means that knowledge acquisition is a cumulative process. Aristotle takes it as a historical fact that new knowledge is always based upon

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