Plagiarism: Mid-Term Exam Answers

343 Words2 Pages
Folder: Mid-Term Exam Instructions: Choose one of the following to answer in a thorough, well-written essay. Your essay should be at least 750 words. Proofread your essay, run the spell check and grammar check on your word processing program, and make the appropriate corrections before you submit your essay. You must submit the essay to the Drop box by 11:59 pm on October 23. Please review the information at the History Department website (click on the link from the topic on "Plagiarism" in Module 1) concerning plagiarism and academic dishonesty. Make sure all quoted material (no more than two lines per quote) is enclosed in quotation marks (not commas); and to not put a space between the mark and the first or last word of the quotation. Include a bibliography of sources used at the end of the essay.…show more content…
Discuss African and African American religious beliefs and practices in the New World. Include information on the lasting impact of African belief systems (traditional, Islamic or, to a lesser extent, Christian); the major shift from "African" belief systems to New World Christianity; the plight of enslaved Muslims in the British colonies; and the development of independent African American religious denominations (AME,

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