Peter Skrzynecki's Speech On Belonging

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Good afternoon teachers and fellow students. Today I’d like you to take a moment and use your imagination. Imagine, if you will, a life where you had no one else to rely on, what if there were no family, no friends and no place called home? How would deal with life if you were spending it alone with no comfort? As humans, we need to belong. To one another, to our friends and families, to our culture and country, to our world. Belonging is being original and is fundamental to our sense of happiness and well-being. It is a psychological lever that has broad consequences. Our interests, motivation and happiness are tied to the feeling that we belong to a greater community that may share common interests and aspirations. Isolation on the other hand can cause loneliness and a low social status which can harm a person's subjective sense of well-being, as well as his or her intellectual achievement and health. Belonging gives us connections to other people or things and we can gain other certain feelings with it such as security and happiness. Peter Skrzynecki’s poems reflect this sense of belonging through many different ways and in many different contexts such as family, school and belonging to the land, but also have some disconnection with his family. In his poems, we still hear reference to Polish foods, language, connections and disconnections that exist. This notion is evident in peter Skrzynecki’s poems from the set text immigrant chronicles. The three poems which I have chosen are Feliks Skrzynecki, 10 Mary Street, and Ancestors and the related text that I have selected is the “Sorry Speech” given by Prime Minister Kevin Rudd on February 13, 2008.…show more content…
The speech was given to the Aboriginal people who experienced mistreatment because of their race, whose children were taken away with the assimilation policy and whose connection with the land and younger generations was severely
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