Persuasive Essay On Minimum Wage Issue

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Introduction Minimum wage and a Livable wage have been two vastly different things. The minimum wage varies state to state and within each state it is broken down by county. Full Time means benefits, while Part Time means as an individual pay for any benefits needed, not provided by the employer. Part time, and by part time, meaning zero hours up to thirty hours in a week. The federal minimum wage provisions are contained by the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). The federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour was effective July 24, 2009, and to date by January 2015 it will be $10.10 per hour. States also vary by minimum wage laws. Some state laws provide better employee protection; employers must comply with both. The FLSA doesn’t provide (WPCP) wage payment collection procedures for an employee’s usual and/or promised wages, commissions in true excess of those required by the FLSA. However, some states do have laws under which those particular claims can be filed. The focus is on bridging the gap between minimum wage and livable wage. Should minimum wage balance with people being able to live on the wages…show more content…
Top earners such as CEO and other executives, do not see a gap, or rather that it is not their problem. The Occupy Movement brought to light that there is an issue, but how to solve it never came to be. The U.S. Government can make it a priority and bring it into legislation for the “people” to have a true and fair vote on the subject. Making the public aware, “we the people” should stand. The public votes but if they are not made aware of the problem, and then there will be no such changes. Such changes are not what CEO’s or the one percenters want to come to pass, for the rich want the poor to remain poor. Revolutions start by those oppressed. In conclusion, there will be the poor as there will be the rich, but as the face of the U.S. changes (tans), so will the money power

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