Base Pay Versus Incentice Pay

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There are major differences that separate base pay from incentive pay. Some employers may choose to offer compensation as base pay only, while others offer base pay plus incentive pay. This is often the case for professional sales positions for example. Base pay is the rate of monetary compensation given from employer to employee not including overtime or bonuses. Incentive pay, (which for the scope of this paper has been designated lump sum bonuses paid annually) is a monetary gift provided to an employee based on performance. It can be used as a way to entice the employee to continue delivering positive results. ( From the employees perspective base pay offers economic security. They know the amount they will be paid and the expected hours they will work. This makes it easier for employees to budget effectively in their personal lives and provides consistency in income. Base pay allows an organization to budget effectively as well. The organization can forecast labor costs easily. It promotes consistency in pay rates for similar positions throughout an organization which can be seen as a benefit to both employer and employee. Inconsistency in pay rates for equal or similar positions can become a problem when employees discuss pay amount themselves, and a headache for HR and finance offices to keep track of. Base pay is much easier for employers to administer and allows pay progressions to be clearly mapped out. (Towers,2010). Employers who chose to pay only base pay may choose to increase employees pay based on set mile stones, such as after a 90 day trial period ,or longevity within a position. Incentive pay is an excellent way to increase employee moral by giving monetary incentive and motivation to reach set goals. A company may choose the amount of the lump sum bonus based on position or longevity which can save some money as new

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