Persuasive Essay On High School Steroid

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High School Steroid Testing Each year more young high school athletes are experimenting with the drug to enhance their performance without putting out much work. For example a man by the name of James Richards that lives in Sudan took steroids hastily his senior year. During his senior year they helped him become stronger and more athletic, but it almost destroyed him when he was diagnosed with thyroid cancer at the age of 19. Steroid testing should be implemented in school because steroids have ruined sports, harmed many people’s health, and made it harder for those that do play by the rules. Steroids deny fans of seeing sports as they were intended. Athletes who are naturally faster, stronger and more resilient than the rest of the athletes…show more content…
In a way, that is all of the student athletes out in the world that have worked so hard to develop their natural talents just to have their spot taken by someone who has injected steroids into their system. There are both negative mental and physical side effects that come with taking steroids. One of the most commonly known side effects is steroid rage. That is when the steroids cause people to be moody and want to get in fights and tare up things, this can be very harmful for anyone who is normally around someone on steroids. The person on steroids could at anytime just take a turn for the worst and injure or possibly even kill someone. Steroids can not only have an effect on those taking, but those associated with the person on steroids. For instance a wrestler by the name of Chris Benwa was taking steroids routinely for many years and just had steroid rage one day and killed his wife, seven year old son, and himself. In this incident steroids affected both the user and the one that was just associated with the user. This is just one of the many fatal incidences caused by

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