Persuasive Essay On Gun Control Or Uncontrolled Guns

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Persuasive Essay on Gun Control or Uncontrolled Guns Daryl Casey COM/215 February 1, 2012 Sheryl Brown Persuasive Essay on Gun Control or Uncontrolled Guns According to "Legal Information Institute" (n.d.), " A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed” (para. n.d.). There are people who believe strongly in each word of this amendment and then there are those who think its existence is troublesome. There is one person who believes “if all people carried a gun it would be considered a civilized act” (Caudill, 2010). Therefore, the question is do people really want a form of gun control or would it be a safer place with uncontrolled guns? Second and…show more content…
The criminal who is predisposed to carrying a gun will not hesitate to use it at a moments notice. However, the law-abiding citizen is governed by a higher set of values. The criminal points a gun at you and says give me your money has come to the situation fully intending to rob you and shoot you if needed. The victim on the other hand cannot simply think he is going to be robbed and pull his weapon. The police are trained in “shoot” and “do not shoot” situations. They are trained to think about what happens if a bullet misses or passes through a person, who it might hit. Neither the criminal nor the average citizen is trained and would not think about it. Any person will do what is necessary to protect them or loved ones. However, thinking a gun in the hands of an “octogenarian” makes them safe is fooling themselves. The gun does not make them equal to the “gang banger,” it makes them more likely to get shot, because once again the “gang banger” has no qualms about using the gun. Consequently, the “octogenarian” is at a disadvantage as they try to become the police and prevent a
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