Personality Reflection Essay

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Running Head: PSYCHOANALYTICAL PERSONALITY ASSESSMENT Psychoanalytical Personality Assessment Upon the completion of the Jungian assessment test, I have discovered that my Jungian type is ISTJ. ISTJ is the acronym used in the Myers-Briggs publication and stands for Introversion, Sensing, Thinking, and Judgment. My Jungian assessment test results presented a 44% average liking of Introversion over Extraversion, a 25% average liking of Sensing over Intuition, a 1% marginal or no liking of Thinking over Feeling, and a 44% average liking of Judging over Perceiving. Introversion Introverts are motivated and stimulated when they are occupied with the thoughts, recollections, reactions, and images which are an element of their internal world. Introverts normally prefer spending time or reserved activities with one or two people with whom they sense a likeness and they often generate a laid-back effect on those around them. Introverts need time to ponder on ideas that rationalize the outside world. With their focus on the inside world, introverts honestly enjoy the image of amazing, often times better than the amazing itself. Sensing Sensing types are good at seeing the practical applications of ideas and things, and may learn best when they can first see the pragmatic side of what is being taught. People who have a preference for sensing are immersed in the ongoing richness of sensory experience and thus seem more grounded in everyday physical reality. They tend to be concerned with what is actual, present, current, and real. As they exercise their preference for sensing, they approach situations with an eye to the facts. Thus, they often develop a good memory for detail, become accurate in working with data, and remember facts or aspects of events. Thinking Individuals who possess a likeness for thinking judgment are

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