Personality Analysis: Allport and Maslow

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Personality Analysis: Allport and Maslow PSY/405 September 11, 2011 Abstract There are many theories associate with the development of personality such as Humanistic, Existential and Individual theories. Each theory attempts to address the components of what makes an individual’s personality the way it is and attempts to use this theory to understand or better predict behavior. In this paper we will examine the ideas of personality development through the views of Abraham Maslow and Gordon Allport. Both Maslow and Allport’s theories are considered to be Humanistic in their approach to personality theory as each is based in the idea that each individual has value, control, and is capable of personal growth. In this paper we will examine how each theory views personality development, characteristics, and traits. We will look at how each theorist views interpersonal relationships as well as how these theories can and are used in clinical or workplace settings today. Personality Analysis: Allport and Maslow There are many theories associate with the development of personality such as Humanistic, Existential and Individual theories. Each theory attempts to address the components of what makes an individual’s personality the way it is and attempts to use this theory to understand or better predict behavior. In this paper we will examine the ideas of personality development through the views of Abraham Maslow and Gordon Allport. Both Maslow and Allport’s theories are considered to be Humanistic in their approach to personality theory as each is based in the idea that each individual has value, control, and is capable of personal growth (Feist & Feist, 2009). In this paper we will examine how each theory views personality development, characteristics, and traits. We will look at how each theorist views interpersonal relationships as well as
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